Rendering the Spectrum More Visible



GEM seeks to educate, inform, and inspire positive social change by presenting quality written, spoken, audio and video programming about gender diversity and social justice issues.

We envision a democratic world where diversity of gender expression is protected, where transgender persons, women, and men of any race, ethnicity or class can participate equally in all aspects of economic, social and political life. We believe in the power of collaborative activism and work to build trust, mutual respect and cooperation across gender, racial, ethnic, economic, and cultural lines.

GEM aims to build community awareness and responsibility while equipping individuals to escape the needless personal suffering imposed by narrow gender expectations, stereotypes and ideals.

GEM recognizes that true diversity in media and education requires inclusion of voices that are under-represented. To that end GEM endeavors to include a multiplicity of representations that reflect the complexity of gender and how it affects our personal, cultural and global experiences.